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About White Light Elements

White Light Elements is an organization that works to spread happiness and peace by promoting a 'Conscious Lifestyle'. This is a lifestyle that helps you remain in complete awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. To assist in the same, the company has a beautiful range of products based on Conscious Feel Practices.

With a vision - 'happy beings every moment', the company's intention is to enhance the happiness quotient of all beings, thereby bringing about a positive shift in the energy and vibrations of the Earth.

White Light Elements Anna Abhar Chakra


Manufactured: Handmade from Natural seasoned Reclaimed Teak Wood, Concept: Our meals are the source of energy as well as a mode of survival for us. We, the fortunate ones, have at least 3 meals a day. Nevertheless, the way we intake our meals has turned largely mechanical. We rarely relish a meal by being in complete awareness of what it is, where it comes from and what it does to our body. The Anna Aabhar Chakra is inspired from the humble, ancient Chakki, that once used to be every home's essential flour mill. It has a prayer inscribed on it that radiates vibes of thankfulness to the food, its process and the Source. It has a pattern of the Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra) of the body (located at the navel), whose main function is to transform matter into energy to fuel your body. How to use: Let the Anna Aabhar Chakra be permanently placed on your dining table, or any other place where you have your meals. Before having your food, rotate the chakra (akin to rotating a Chakki) and say the prayerr ‘हे अन्नदाता, इस अन्न की उत्पत्ति, प्राप्ति एवं उपयोग हेतु आभार। इस अन्न का कण-कण सहृदयता, कृतज्ञता एवं प्रेम का संचार करे।‘ The prayer means that you are thankful to the entire process that brought the food to your table; and wish with all your heart that each grain of the food radiate thankfulness and love.


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